Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April Showers Bring May Flowers...So What Does April Sunshine Bring?

Lately the weather has been amazing here in Boston and everyone has been getting a bit of spring fever. My Easter weekend was pretty casual and very short. I left for Connecticut Saturday night and came back to Boston Sunday afternoon. I think I was actually home for less than 24 hours, but it was nice seeing my family as well.

Tomorrow I leave for New York to speak to admitted students in the area. I'm really excited to go because I've never been to that area of New York. Last year I went to Connecticut to speak to admitted students and I had a blast. I can only imagine how much fun New York will be. Except I'll probably be working on school work on the drive there. Booooo.

I'm sorry to inform all of you, but I won't be participating in the first ever Mr. Suffolk pageant. I know this may come to a surprise and a disappointment to some, but I honestly just don't have the time to prepare for it. I really wish I could commit myself to it, but it doesn't look like that'll be happening. However another ambassador, Mr. John McDonnell is competing in it so you all should still come and support him in his quest for becoming the first ever, Mr. Suffolk.

Opening day was Sunday night and the Red Sox won 9-7 over the New York Yankees. It was a great game for opening day and the city was definitely alive with spirit. The great thing about attending school in Boston is that you don't have to go to every game to feel like a part of the liveliness. Sometimes its even more fun to just watch the game with a bunch of friends.

This Sunday will be our second and last Showcase of the semester. If you didn't get a chance to come to the first one, you most certainly can come to this one. The Showcase includes speakers from admissions, new student orientation and trustee ambassadors, as well as a classroom experience by a professor. Then you are allowed to go on a campus tour, speak with representatives from every academic department, or speak with representatives from student activities such as clubs and organizations here on campus. It's definitely a long day but its full of information and if you're seriously considering Suffolk University, I highly recommend you coming to check it out.

Alright it's time for class and work at my second job. Blog ya later!


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