I feel like the semester just started and I already have midterms!!! AHHHHH. Next week I have a midterm in my Management Information Systems class which is going to be the hardest exam ever. Its only on four chapters but they're really intense and all on information systems and stuff like that. Not my idea of an interesting topic but oh well, what can you do. This weekend will be spent reading and studying, then some more reading and studying.
This week we've had information sessions and they've gone really well so far. I was able to speak at one on Tuesday and got to answer some intriguing questions. There are still some upcoming events here on campus if anyone missed an information session but wants to visit. We have Saturday tours on February 27, April 17, and April 24. There's a student to student information session on Saturday March 6. During April vacation (20-22) we will have another wave of information sessions. We also have specific NESAD (New England School of Art and Design) information sessions on February 26 and April 23. And of course we have daily tours at 10, 11, 1 and 3.
When I was speaking with students and their families last Monday and Tuesday, it made me think about housing deposits and how many students have actually done that. Many students had been accepted back in December and had yet to deposit. When talking about housing, most of them wanted to live on campus. It's really important to deposit as soon as possible because it will help secure a spot in one of our dormitories. If you're not aware of our housing procedure, we DON"T guarantee housing to any of our students. Unfortunately we have a limited number of spaces to house students and we give it out on a first come, first serve basis. The deposit of $600 is fully refundable until May 1st so don't worry if you may think Suffolk may not be for you. However if its your 1,2,3,4, or even 5 school on your list, but you definitely know you want to live on campus, I strongly suggest in sending in your deposit as soon as possible.
For all you accepted students reading my blog, CONGRATULATIONS!
This is an exciting time for you and you should be proud of yourself! Some helpful hints on choosing the college you'll attend for the next four years:
- Make sure to visit a school more than once, even more than twice. You're always going to get a different view and perspective of the school each time you visit.
- See what the school can offer you, ie (athletics, clubs, majors, on and off campus activities)
- You may think you want a super large school or a microscopic school, but think long and hard about that, because you may end up finding you don't want to be a big fish in a small pond, or just a number in a sea of faces.
- Make sure you're making the decision and not your parents, even though your parents may push a certain school or a certain location, make sure you choose a school on your criteria and not your parents, after all you're the one who's going to be there, not your parents.
- If you have no idea what you want to major in, make sure the school you pick allows you to freely choose classes and experiment in different areas of study. This will allow you to see what you may be interested in and what really turns you off.
These next four years of your life are going to be amazing, no matter where you spend your college career. Don't stress out over trying to make a decision, you'll know when you've made the right one.